Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Water Bill Project

The Water Bill Project is an initiative that was birthed out of a desire to the see the people of Africa get the clean water they desperately need. It is true that many organizations are doing something to raise awareness about the need for water in many third world countries, but The Water Bill Project isn't just about awareness; it is about influence. We decided that if we very going to spread the word about clean water and ask people to use their influence, we wanted to ask the most influential people we knew to get involved. So, we decided to ask university students. This spring The Water Bill Project visited two campuses of higher learning: Evangel University and CBC. At both schools we were overwhelmed by the responsiveness of students and their desire to get involved in bringing hope to Africa. Many students at both schools not only said they wanted to be kept informed but that they also would like to be a part of the drilling of water wells on a monthly basis by committing to pay an African's Water Bill. Our goal is to bring The Water Bill Project to as many schools as possible next year (Fall of 2007 and Spring of 2008). Please spread the word about the need for clean water in Africa and be a part of the solution by including your college or university campus in The Water Bill Project. If you would like more information about this initiative, you can learn at